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by Demo Student -

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Mazes as educational games

by Demo Student -

As we continue building e-learning courses and interactive worksheets for our students, we constantly try to introduce more educational games which children will enjoy ( our experience tells us that our adult students also enjoy games).

Recently, we have been working on creating Mazes. Typically, mazes involve starting from one corner of the maze, navigating through a path and then reaching the intended target. The complexity of mazes depends on the complexity of the walls or paths inside the maze. A labyrinth with a lot of dead-end walls can be extremely difficult to navigate. However, we have kept the quite simple.

Mazes as educational games

To use mazes as educational games for our E-Learning courses, we have used the following approach:

The target is the answer to a question displayed on top. E.g If the question is 2+1 , the answer 3 and a the confounding choices such as 5 and 6 are at the end of the maze. The student has to drag an object or a bunny rabbit to the answer.

The student cannot touch the walls. If the walls are touched the object or the rabbit which ash to be dragged goes back to the starting point.

However, to keep things simple, we have kept the wall very simple and the path quite wide. So, most  of our students would be able to use the mazes quite easily.

Advantages of using mazes as educational games

Mazes provide several advantages as educational games. Apart from adding to the fun element and motivating students, especially children to learn and to demand more such educational games, mazes bring in some additional aspects. Students learn how to navigate paths. If there is a parent or teacher prompting the student (which is often likely when someone is assisting), then students learn following directions. Go up, go left and so on could be the prompts and the student tries. Imagine, trying to teach a student how to follow directions and the reluctance shown if it were a dull lecture. In this instance, there is no mention of directions or following commands; yet a student who is motivated to win the game, will be eager to follow directions and get to the target. 

Finally, the maze is providing an additional educational game to teach the concept you want to. We have started by implementing mazes in addition and division in our Maths courses. Soon, we will be using mazes to teach other concepts as well. So, one could use a maze wherever matching is required. E.g there could be a maze game where the student is expected to take a rabbit or a ball to capital A.

New games added

by Site Administrator -

Course: Puzzles

Section: Visual perception : Missing piece

Game:  Fill in the missing piece: Game 4


Course: Days and Months

Section: Months of the year

Game: Days and Months: Last month next month


Course: Days and Months

 Section: Calendar


Days and Months: Listen and learn: Calendar



Days and Months: Select the date





Course: Addition upto 10 
Section: Word problems 
Game: Totals up to 10 


Games published in the EdQueries E-Learning software from 15th to 19th December 2020

by Site Administrator -

These are the games published in the EdQueries E-Learning software  from 15th to  18th December 2020:

Course: Counting

Section: Numbers 1 to 10 

Game: Count the apples 

 Here's a screenshot of the game.

Screenshot of the game "Count the apples"

Course: Spellings 1 

Section: Spellings Set 3 

Game: Remember and Type: Game 3 


Course: Counting 

Section: Numbers 1 to 10 

Game: Coin counting 

 Here's a screenshot of the game.

Screenshot of the game "Count the coins"

Course: Maths Instruction Level 4 

Section: Ascending and Descending order 


 Here's a screenshot of the games.

Screenshot of the game "Caterpillar: Game 1"

Course: Maths Instruction Level 4 

Section: Ascending and Descending order


Here's a screenshot of the game.

Screenshot of the game "Arrange in descending order"

For a free trial, go to EdQueries.com and create a new account. Then, select any course and click the "Enroll Me" button.

Click on any Course ,section or game to go to the appropriate screen in EdQueries E-Learning.com. 

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Games published in EdQueries E-Learning software since 14th December 2020

by Site Administrator -

These are the games published in the EdQueries E-Learning software in the last few days:

Course: Environmental Studies 2

Section: Indian Festivals, important dates and symbols

Game: National symbols

Here's a screenshot of the game.

Screenshot of the game "National symbols"

Course: Life Skills 3 

Section: Friendship

Game: No fighting: Game 2 

Here's a screenshot.

Screenshot of the game "No fighting: Game 2"

Course: Maths Instruction Level 5

Section: Drag the stone: Add 5 and jump

Game: Drag the stone: Add 5 and jump 

Here's a screenshot of the game.

Screenshot of the game

Course: Listening Communication

Section: Listen to the words 

Game: Select the next word based on ending letter of previous word 

Here's a screenshot.

Screenshot of the game

Click on any Course ,section or game to go to the appropriate screen in EdQueries E-Learning.com. 

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Games published in December 2020

by Site Administrator -

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by Site Administrator -

Welcome to the news forum. 

News about latest games and changes to the site will be posted here.

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